What are the methods of controlling rodents? There are many! Some are essential steps that must be carried out as part of a rodent control strategy. Others are optional but can be helpful for speeding up the process. Finally, there are a few that most experts suggest you avoid, for a few reasons.
In this post, we’ll go through every rodent control method, explaining what’s behind it and why you should or shouldn’t carry it out.
When it comes to rodent control, preventative methods actually a key part of the process of getting rid of an existing infestation. They’re absolutely mandatory, no matter which other methods you utilize.
Rodents are attracted to all kinds of messes, but crumbs on the floor and food residue in the sink is their favorite. They also love piles of things they can hide under, and soft materials they can use to build warm nests. That’s why cleaning your house, and especially your kitchen, should always be the first step to controlling rodents.
Smart Food Storage
Next, consider how you’re storing your food. Hungry rodents will chew through bags and find the tiniest gaps to enter pantries or cupboards. Just by making sure that rodents can’t access any of your food, you might be able to drive them away completely.
So seal away shelf-stable foods in plastic boxes or glass jars and keep most items in the fridge. You should also pay close attention to signs that a rodent has accessed one of your cupboards (usually, tiny droppings will give you a hint), in order to avoid storing food in there.
After prevention, traps offer the most effective way to control rodents. Bait traps, especially, will quickly attract rodents once their food sources are no-longer accessible.
There are many kinds of traps out there, from the old school snap trap to modern electric traps that kill rodents in an instance. There are also no-kill options, which are great if you live in an area where it’s possible to release trapped mice safely and legally.
However, rodents reproduce quickly, so trapping without trying any of the previously mentioned prevention methods won’t be enough.
Poison is becoming increasingly unpopular as a method for rodent control, which is for the best. There are many kinds of rodent poisons out there, and they do kill mice and rats effectively.
However, they also pose a real danger to pets and children. If you’re dealing with an outdoor rodent problem, poison can also harm local wildlife. With indoor infestations, the rodents usually hide away after consuming poison. This makes cleaning away their remains difficult and can lead to unpleasant smells in your home.
Repellents might also help with rodent control. Results with repellents can be mixed. While they’re not as effective as traps, there’s no harm in trying them, especially if you want to try a humane alternative first. Just keep in mind that they might not work.
The most common types of repellents nowadays are devices that emit an ultrasonic sound. Humans can’t hear the noise but rodents can, and if all works accordingly, it’ll drive them away.
There are also repellents that rely on smells like peppermint to keep rodents away. They come in the form of sprays or pellets, but you can also just use pure essential oil. Even if it doesn’t work, you’ll be able to enjoy the scent.
Controlling Rodents for Good
When the DIY methods don’t work or you feel overwhelmed, there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. Professional services like Green Rodent Restoration offer expert rodent control, attic cleaning , attic insulation.
They can identify what’s attracting rodents to your property in the first place and get rid of them for you. Then, they can help you carry out a rodent prevention strategy, so you won’t have to deal with rodents ever again.